As we move further into the year, we notice that the way in which organisations recruit new employees is changing.

The numbers don’t lie, either – the so-called ‘Great Resignation’ has created the tightest labour market in 50 years, with the number of jobs available now outnumbering the number of quality candidates by more than three to one, according to a recent study by The Conference Board.

Our clients have been telling us that recruiting the right people is becoming increasingly difficult, with more jobs available than there are quality people to fill them, and businesses are starting to realise that they need to adapt to the changing conditions in order to attract the best talent.

“In order to adapt to changing conditions and stay ahead of the competition, it’s important to be aware of the latest recruitment trends”, says Michael Hamson, Director of Recruitment and Executive Search at ChandlerWoods.

What are recruitment trends?

Recruitment trends are the methods and strategies that organisations use to find new employees. They can vary from year to year, depending on the current job market and the needs of businesses.

Here are five recruitment trends that we think will dominate in 2022 and beyond.

Use of tests and assessments tools in recruiting

One of the most important recruitment trends in Australia right now is the use of tests and assessment tools. These tools allow organisations to assess the skills and qualifications of potential employees and can help to reduce the risk of making a bad hire.

There are many different types of tests and assessment tools available, so it’s important to choose the right ones for your organisation. Some of the most popular options include aptitude tests, skills tests, personality tests and cognitive ability tests.

The benefits of using tests and assessment tools are many. They can help to improve the quality of hires, reduce the time taken to find the right candidate, and improve the overall recruitment process.

They can also help to assess whether a candidate is a good fit for the organisation and the role they are applying for. This is important, as a bad fit can be costly for both the organisation and the employee.

“Tests and assessment tools are an effective way to measure a candidate’s skills and qualifications, and they can be used at any stage of the recruitment process. They are a valuable tool for organisations looking to find the best employees possible”, says Melissa Powick, Director of ChandlerWoods.

While there are many benefits to using testing and assessment tools, there are also some downsides to consider.

One of the main downsides is the cost. Tests and assessment tools can be expensive to administer and require a lot of time and resources to use effectively.

Another downside is that they can be biased against certain groups of people. For example, aptitude tests may not be accurate for candidates from non-traditional backgrounds, or cognitive ability tests may not be suitable for candidates with dyslexia or other learning disabilities.

Finally, it’s important to remember that tests and assessment tools should never be used as the only factor in making a decision about hiring a candidate. They should always be used in conjunction with other factors, such as an interview, to get a complete picture of a candidate.

If you’re looking for a reliable, accurate and holistic way to assess the skills and qualifications of potential employees, ChandlerWoods can help. We offer a range of tests and assessment tools that can be used at any stage of the recruitment process. We also offer a range of interview services that can help you find the best candidates for your organisation.

Social recruiting

Social recruiting is one of the emerging recruitment trends in Australia. It involves using social media platforms to advertise jobs and to assess candidates’ suitability.

There are several benefits of social recruiting. For starters, it’s a cost-effective way to reach a large number of potential candidates. Secondly, it allows businesses to assess candidates’ skills and qualifications quickly and easily. And finally, it helps businesses build relationships with potential employees and create a Talent Pool of qualified candidates.

The downsides of social recruiting are that it can be time-consuming and it’s difficult to assess candidates’ qualifications and skills accurately. It can also be difficult to find the right social media platform for your organisation, and you need to be mindful not to accidentally reveal confidential information about your company.

“One of the main benefits of social recruiting is that it’s a cost-effective way to reach a large number of potential candidates”, adds Michael.

If you’re looking for help setting up a social recruiting strategy for your organisation, get in touch with ChandlerWoods. We’re experts in social media recruitment and we can help you use a range of social platforms to reach the best potential candidates.

Internal talent pipelines

Building an internal talent pipeline is a strategy that businesses can use to find and hire talent from within. It involves identifying potential candidates and training them so that they are qualified for jobs within the organisation. Due to the talent shortage left by the Great Resignation, it’s no surprise that companies are looking within to identify and develop new talent.

There are several benefits of building an internal talent pipeline. Firstly, it’s a cost-effective way to find new employees. Secondly, it allows businesses to assess candidates’ skills and qualifications quickly and easily. And finally, it helps businesses build relationships with potential employees and create a Talent Pool of qualified candidates.

The downsides of building an internal talent pipeline are that it can be time-consuming and it’s difficult to assess candidates’ qualifications and skills accurately. It can also be difficult to find the right candidates for specific jobs within the organisation.

“Building an internal talent pipeline is a streamlined, cost-effective way to find ‘new’ employees”, says Melissa.

Need help setting up an internal talent pipeline for your organisation? ChandlerWoods can help you find the best candidates for specific jobs within your organisation.

Diversity and inclusion

In 2022 and beyond, diversity and inclusion will continue to be a major recruitment trend.

There are several reasons for this. Businesses are beginning to recognise the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace, creating a growing demand for diverse and inclusive workplaces. Businesses understand that diverse, inclusive workplaces and teams are more productive and innovative than ones that are not.

A diverse and inclusive workplace allows businesses to access a wider pool of talent and helps businesses to tap into different perspectives and ideas, which can lead to innovation and creativity.

Diversity also allows businesses to better reflect the demographics of their customers or clients and also helps businesses combat discrimination and promote equality at the same time.

There are several ways businesses can improve diversity and inclusion in their workplaces. One way is to ensure that the recruitment process is fair and unbiased. Another way is to create an environment where employees feel comfortable speaking up about diversity and inclusion issues. Finally, businesses can promote diversity and inclusion through their marketing campaigns and social media platforms.

If you’re looking for help improving diversity and inclusion in your workplace, get in touch with ChandlerWoods. We can help you create a workplace that celebrates difference and encourages collaboration.

Hiring remote workers

Hiring remote workers is becoming a more and more popular recruitment trend in 2022, as businesses are beginning to recognise the benefits of hiring remote workers. Remote workers can be as productive (if not more so) as on-site workers, they tend to cost less to hire and manage, and they can help businesses reach a global audience.

Advances in technology have made it easier for businesses to work with remote workers. Online tools and platforms allow businesses to communicate with remote workers easily and effectively, and online payment systems make it easy for businesses to pay remote workers internationally.

“The talent shortage left by the Great Resignation has made it more difficult for businesses to find qualified candidates. Some organisations have found that hiring remote workers is a way for them to access a wider pool of talent”, Michael suggests.

There are several things businesses should keep in mind when hiring remote workers. Firstly, it’s important to have a clear and concise job description that outlines the duties and responsibilities of the role. Secondly, businesses should have a system for assessing candidates’ skills and qualifications. Finally, businesses should create a communication plan that outlines how they will communicate with their remote workers.

If you’re looking for help hiring remote workers, contact ChandlerWoods. We can help you find the best candidates for the role and help you create a communication plan that works for you.

Summing it up

Recruitment trends are constantly evolving, and it’s important to stay ahead of the curve by being aware of the trends that will dominate recruitment in 2022.

In this article, we’ve discussed five different recruitment trends that we think will be popular in 2022 and beyond. If you’re looking for help with your organisation’s recruitment process, get in touch with ChandlerWoods for a free strategy session today!