The COVID-19 pandemic has forced companies all over the world to take a hard look at their company culture. In the past, many companies have been able to get away with toxic work cultures, but that is no longer the case.

With a nationwide talent shortage and a rapid shift towards flexible working arrangements, company culture is more important than ever. If your company wants to survive and thrive in the post-COVID world, it may need a culture change.

What is company culture and why is it important?

Company culture is the shared values and behaviours that make up how a company operates. It includes everything from how employees are treated to how decisions are made. Company culture is increasingly important post-pandemic because it can help or hinder your business’s ability to adapt and survive in an environment where businesses are changing at a rapid pace to keep up with a global economy that has not in many of our lifetimes seen this much disruption. Disruption to the way employees work, the way we compete for top talent and most importantly staying in business and relevant to our customers.

In today’s competitive job market, company culture is more important than ever. Good company culture can attract top talent, while toxic company culture repels it. And good people make good business. Without good people, your business is in real trouble to survive and compete.

Company culture also has a huge impact on employee productivity. In a study by the Harvard Business Review, it was found that positive company culture can increase productivity by up to 20%. Not only that, but positive company culture can also lead to lower staff turnover rates and increased innovation. If you’re looking for a way to boost your company’s productivity, it’s a good idea to create and maintain a positive company culture.

How to identify if your company culture needs a change 

Disengagement among employees

If you’re not sure whether your company culture needs a change, there are a few signs to look out for. One common sign is if employees are no longer engaged in their work. If they seem apathetic or unhappy, it’s likely that your company culture is to blame. Other signs that company culture may need a change include:

Low morale

Low morale is a sign of needing company culture change because it can lead to decreased productivity, staff turnover, and even litigation. When employees are unhappy, they’re less likely to be productive and more likely to leave the company. In addition, unhappy employees can be a legal liability for companies. So, if your company is facing low morale, it’s a sign that company culture may need a change.

Lack of communication among employees

Lack of communication among employees can be a sign that company culture needs a change. When employees don’t communicate, it can lead to confusion and frustration. This can impact productivity and even lead to conflict among employees. In a positive company culture, employees are encouraged to communicate openly with one another. So, if you’re noticing a lack of communication among employees, it may be another sign that company culture needs a change.

Negative attitude towards change

If employees are resistant to change, it’s likely that company culture is to blame. In a positive company culture, employees are open to new ideas and willing to adapt to change. However, if employees are resistant to change, it may be a sign that company culture needs a change.

If you notice any of these signs, it might be time to rethink your company culture.

The benefits of changing company culture 

There are many benefits of changing company culture. Some of the most notable include:

Increased productivity

As we mentioned earlier, positive company culture can lead to increased productivity by up to 20%. When employees are happy and engaged in their work, they’re more likely to be productive. So if your company is looking for a way to boost productivity, it’s a good idea to focus on company culture.

Improved employee morale

Positive company culture can also improve employee morale. When employees feel valued and appreciated, they’re more likely to be happy at work. This can lead to lower staff turnover rates and improved creativity. In addition, positive company culture can help attract top talent.

Improved communication

As we mentioned earlier, improved communication can be a sign of positive company culture. When employees communicate openly with one another, it leads to better understanding and fewer misunderstandings. This can lead to improved productivity and reduced conflict among employees. In addition, open communication helps companies stay agile, innovative, and adaptable to change.

How to change company culture

There are a few ways to change company culture. One way is to start with the leadership team. The leaders of a company set the tone for company culture. If they’re not committed to creating a positive company culture, it’s unlikely that employees will be either.

Another way to change company culture is to focus on communication.

As we mentioned earlier, communication is key to creating a positive company culture. When employees feel like they can communicate openly with one another, it leads to improved understanding and fewer misunderstandings.

Finally, you can also change company culture by focusing on employee engagement.

Employee engagement is essential to creating a positive company culture. When employees are engaged in their work, they’re more likely to be productive and creative.

Changing company culture can be difficult, and it can be hard to know where to start, but the benefits of getting it right will make it worth it in the end. By focusing on company culture, you can create a positive work environment that employees will love. And who knows? You may even see an increase in productivity and morale!

Where do I start, and how can I assess if my company culture is the problem?

If you’re looking for help changing your company culture, ChandlerWoods can help. We can help you assess your current company culture and recommend ways to change it. We have the experience and expertise necessary to help you create a positive work environment that employees will love. 

So, if you’re feeling stuck when it comes to company culture, get in touch with us today!