Most successful businesses have a well-defined talent management process that they use to identify, retain and develop star performers in their team. ChandlerWoods can help you establish such an approach within your organisation making it easy for you to do so too.

This helps them to rise and succeed in more senior positions, enabling their career progression and increasing their business performance.

The Key Principles of the Process

  • Providing an effective way to identify and manage talent across your entire organisation
  • Having an objective process to identify and access the performance and potential of talent
  • Providing a consistent approach to engage and develop talent within the organisation
  • Having measures to track the individual’s development and the program’s effectiveness

Benefits of the Process

  • More accurate identification of talented individuals
  • Improved retention and performance of talent
  • Better return on investment from development
  • Creation of a pipeline of talented individuals ready to adopt key roles
  • Targeted development opportunities to speed skill acquisition
  • A sustainable professional network of talented individuals

Further Information

ChandlerWoods has a proven track record in developing Talent Programs backed up by national and international awards. We have recently conducted this process for an organisation seeking to determine if key individuals were accurately identified as Talent.

We partnered with the organisation to complete the assessment and were able to confirm the candidates as Talent, We also identified any gaps and retention risks, in addition to assisting with identifying engagement and development activities to ensure the Talent was committed to the organisation.

Contact us today to discover how ChandlerWoods’ unique and effective Talent Management Process can help your organisation, your management, and your people succeed.